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Piracicaba Weather Risk

Risk of strong wind, frost, lightning, heavy rain for Piracicaba


You have come to the right place if you are looking for detailed data to establish weather risk. Our weather probability pages give access to forecast elements to help you decide on the chance of certain weather happening providing predictions on how confident we are that certain weather scenarios will occur.

<1% 1-10% 11-25% 26-40% 41-59% 60-74% 75-90% >90%
Negligible Very Low Low Low/Mod Moderate Mod/High High Very High


The below table provides our probability/chance of specified weather conditions occurring;

RISKTIME FRAMES: 18 Jan 2025 (Local Time)
Precipitation OverviewVery high risk of frequent moderate rain showers. Some showers could be slow moving and persistent.Very high risk of scattered moderate rain showers. Some showers could be slow moving and persistent.Very high risk of scattered moderate rain showers. Some showers could be slow moving and persistent.Very high risk of well scattered moderate rain showers.High risk of periods of very light rain.High risk of isolated light rain shower.Very high risk of very isolated moderate rain shower. Some showers could be slow moving and persistent.Dry.
Light QualityN/AN/AGoodGoodGoodGoodV GoodN/A
Any Precipitation







Significant Precipitation





Heavy Precipitation


Predominantly Cloudy

Well Broken Cloud



Winds > 15mph


Winds > 30mph

Winds > 50mph

Temperature Below Freezing

Temperature Above 24°C





Poor Visibility

Precipitation Falling as Snow

Dew Forming

Ice Forming