Tue 21 Jan | 04:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
2 / 4 mph
32 / 32°F
| 75% |
1020 mb
0.00 In
| 07:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
3 / 6 mph
32 / 29°F
| 77% |
1020 mb
0.00 In
| 10:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
2 / 4 mph
36 / 35°F
| 71% |
1020 mb
0.00 In
| 13:00 |
![SSW SSW](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SSW.gif) SSW
0 / 1 mph
42 / 42°F
| 60% |
1019 mb
0.00 In
| 16:00 |
![E E](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/E.gif) E
2 / 4 mph
42 / 41°F
| 68% |
1018 mb
0.00 In
| 19:00 |
![SSE SSE](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SSE.gif) SSE
3 / 5 mph
38 / 37°F
| 79% |
1018 mb
0.00 In
| 22:00 |
![SSE SSE](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SSE.gif) SSE
3 / 6 mph
35 / 32°F
| 84% |
1017 mb
0.00 In
Wed 22 Jan | 01:00 |
![SSE SSE](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SSE.gif) SSE
4 / 8 mph
34 / 30°F
| 86% |
1017 mb
0.00 In
| 04:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
3 / 7 mph
33 / 29°F
| 86% |
1015 mb
0.00 In
| 07:00 |
![SSE SSE](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SSE.gif) SSE
4 / 8 mph
32 / 29°F
| 85% |
1014 mb
0.00 In
| 10:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
4 / 7 mph
36 / 33°F
| 77% |
1013 mb
0.00 In
| 13:00 |
![SW SW](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/SW.gif) SW
2 / 4 mph
42 / 41°F
| 68% |
1011 mb
0.00 In
| 16:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
4 / 8 mph
42 / 39°F
| 72% |
1010 mb
0.00 In
| 19:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
5 / 10 mph
41 / 37°F
| 79% |
1010 mb
0.00 In
| 22:00 |
![S S](https://www.myweather2.com/Images/wind/S.gif) S
5 / 10 mph
39 / 35°F
| 81% |
1009 mb
0.00 In
Other Locations Near to Stuttgart
The 7 day weather forecast summary for Stuttgart:
Over the next 7 days the Stuttgart forecast suggests the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 7°C, with a high for the week of 12°C expected on the afternoon of Saturday 25th.
The mean minimum temperature will be 3°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Tuesday 21st at 0°C.
Expect the coming week to
have mostly dry days although Thursday 23rd and Monday 27th are likely to see a little rain or sleet.
The current forecast indicates Thursday 21st will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 4.0mm.
On the whole winds are likely to be light.