Tue 18 Feb | 21:00 |
1 / 2 mph
40 / 40°F
| 97% |
1019 mb
0.04 In
Wed 19 Feb | 00:00 |
0 / 1 mph
38 / 38°F
| 98% |
1020 mb
0.04 In
| 03:00 |
1 / 1 mph
38 / 38°F
| 94% |
1018 mb
0.04 In
| 06:00 |
3 / 7 mph
25 / 21°F
| 97% |
1020 mb
0.02 In
| 09:00 |
2 / 2 mph
43 / 43°F
| 75% |
1019 mb
0.00 In
| 12:00 |
4 / 5 mph
52 / 49°F
| 58% |
1014 mb
0.01 In
| 15:00 |
6 / 7 mph
51 / 48°F
| 66% |
1011 mb
0.03 In
| 18:00 |
2 / 2 mph
33 / 33°F
| 93% |
1015 mb
0.03 In
| 21:00 |
1 / 2 mph
32 / 32°F
| 94% |
1020 mb
0.01 In
Other Locations Near to Thimphu
The 7 day weather forecast summary for Thimphu:
The next 7 day outlook for Thimphu shows the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 13°C, with a high for the week of 14°C expected on the afternoon of Tuesday 25th.
The mean minimum temperature will be -4°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Thursday 20th at -4°C.
The coming week will
have most days seeing a little rain, sleet or snow.
Predictions are Sunday 20th will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 7.0mm.
On the whole winds are likely to be light.
Thimphu holiday weather information
We provide Thimphu holiday weather for the next 7 and 14 days. The 7 day weather for Thimphu provides weather information in 3 hourly intervals for each day and our 14 day Thimphu weather provides weather data in 6 hourly intervals. We also provide monthly climate averages for Thimphu. These monthly climate averages provide average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, amount of rainfall in months, wind speed and much more. So if you are planning to go on holiday to Thimphu then do check our monthly climate average section.
We also provide latest weather for Thimphu and if you would like to see the past 24 hours weather in hourly format then do check our latest section. In addition, we have a weather risk page dedicated to Thimphu which allows you to check out the probability of rain or thunder for Thimphu.
As we are passionate about weather we would go to any steps to make sure you too are kept informed of the weather at all times. So if you are planning to go to Thimphu on holiday or business then please do take the chance of receiving a weather text for Thimphu which we will send to your mobile.