Holiday Weather

Goa Weather Forecast

Temperature, wind, rain and more for Goa


DayLocal TimeDirSpeed/
Feels Like
HumidityPressureCloud AmountPrecip AmountWeather
Thu 13


11 / 18 mph 72 / 74°F 30% 1014 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


11 / 14 mph 76 / 75°F 28% 1016 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


6 / 7 mph 88 / 82°F 17% 1016 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


6 / 7 mph 92 / 87°F 12% 1012 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


8 / 9 mph 92 / 87°F 12% 1011 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


9 / 12 mph 87 / 83°F 17% 1013 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In
Fri 14


11 / 19 mph 77 / 75°F 22% 1012 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


11 / 23 mph 73 / 73°F 22% 1013 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


13 / 18 mph 78 / 75°F 17% 1016 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


9 / 10 mph 89 / 84°F 12% 1015 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


7 / 8 mph 93 / 88°F 10% 1011 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


8 / 10 mph 93 / 88°F 10% 1010 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


10 / 15 mph 86 / 82°F 14% 1013 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.00 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.00 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.00 In


Goa Tourist Overview

Goa is India's smallest state, located in West India in the region of Konkan. The state is divided into two districts: North Goa and South Goa. Goa was a Portuguese province until 1961 and it is now India's richest state. Therefore, Goa residents enjoy a better quality of life and good infrastructure.

Goa’s main industry is tourism, as it is a popular destination for domestic and international tourists. This is due to its beautiful beaches and weather. Goa has two main tourist seasons: winter and summer. In Winter, tourists from abroad come to Goa to enjoy the climate. In Summer, tourists from across India come to enjoy the cooler Monsoon weather. Take a look at the climate profiles for Goa for a better understanding of the seasonal variations in Goa's climate.  

Goa Weather and Climate

Goa's climate is predominately influenced by the surrounding Arabian Sea. However, coastal areas tend to be much cooler than area's further inland therefore it is advised to take this into account when choosing where to stay - as this weather map for Goa shows.

From the months of June to September, Goa has a tropical monsoon climate and is hot and humid. Goa's temperatures range between lows of 14°C to highs of 30°C during these months. Rainfall has been recorded to range between 172 mm and 693 mm. July tends to be the wettest month of the year and you can expect to see rain or drizzle falling on 28 of these days. During this time Goa is very humid (approximately 90% humidity) and evening temperatures rarely drop below 24°C.

The ideal time to visit Goa is between October and May. Temperatures range between lows of 16°C to highs of 33°C. The driest months are between December and March, as there is 0mm of rainfall. During these months, Goa is still very humid (approximately 73% humidity) and evening temperatures rarely drop below a comfortable 20°C.


Goa Holiday and Tourist Information


Goa has an array of accommodation for all needs. Whether you are planning on a budget, or looking for a more up market place to stay, Goa has a range of hotels, resorts and guest houses to suit your needs.

 Goa beaches

*The long and isolated stretch of Agonda Beach (South Goa) is ideal for those looking to escape the commercial tourism. Angona beach is quiet and relatively uncrowned, despite some souvenir stalls and restaurants. It has simple huts on the beach, available for rent.

 *Anjuna Beach (North Goa) represents the hippy legacy. Curlies is a very popular spot, at the southern end of the beach. Most of the shacks close by midnight because of sound restrictions, but at the northern end of the beach, some shacks stay open all night. Anjuna Beach's famous Paradiso Disco is also located there.

*Varca, Cavelossim & Morbor (in South Goa) are pristine fishing beaches. Goa’s luxury resorts are located here. There are a few beach shacks, water sports, and local vendors, but the beaches remain clean with white sand. Most of the nightlife is located at the resorts. Visitors can look forward to live music, cultural performances, and casinos.

*Patnem Beach (South Goa) is a small, quiet beach. It is located between two cliffs and it is an ideal place to relax. The beach has a range of gorgeous huts, with private bathrooms.

*Mandrem, Morjim, & Asvem beaches host trendy bars and resorts. The area also has a number of yoga retreats. The beaches are known for their protected turtle population.

 *Benaulim Beach (South Goa) is known for its fishing industry, it is a beautiful stretch of beach. Water sports and dolphin sightseeing trips are popular here. Although the beach can get a little crowded at peak times, in December.

Goa Tourist attractions

*The Anjuna flea market is held every Wednesday from morning until evening, except during the monsoon season, on the southern end of Anjuna Beach. The market hosts over 500 stalls, and is still growing! The stalls display a huge variety of goods but you must negotiate to get a bargain!

*Old Goa was once the Portuguese capital of Goa India. Today, Old Goa is known for its grand churches and cathedrals. Some of the buildings have become museums now. It is worth visiting the famous Convent and Church of Saint Francis of Assisi.

*Goa is home to an array of birds and animals. It is definitely worth visiting the main wildlife sanctuaries: Bhagwan Mahvir and Cotigao.

*Visit Goa’s spice plantations around Ponda. Goa's tropical climate and dense forests makes it ideal for growing spices. The spice farms are open to visitors and you can enjoy a guided tour and spicy lunch there.(

Travel Awards for Goa

In 2012, Goa was awarded with the 'Value Destination (India)' and 'Best Destination for Relaxation (India)' and Runners-Up of 'Best Food Destination(India)' and 'Best Family Destination(India)' by the Lonely Planet Magazine India.

In 2011, Goa received the following awards:

* 'Best State' for Beach Tourism from the Safari India National Tourism.

*'Best City to Travel To' in India by the CNBC Awaaz Travel Awards.

*'Favourite Winter Destination' by the Outlook Traveller Awards

* 'Best Wedding Destination' (India) and 'Best Family Destination' (India) and Runners-Up for 'Best Party Destination' (India) and 'Best Honeymoon Destination' (India) by Travel Plus Leisure India and South Asia.

Other Locations Near to Goa

Cities and Towns: Barsi, India
The 7 day weather forecast summary for Goa:

For Goa in the coming week the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 35°C, with a high for the week of 37°C expected on the afternoon of Tuesday 18th. The mean minimum temperature will be 25°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Thursday 13th at 20°C. Expect the next week to remain predominantly dry. On the whole winds are likely to be moderate.

Goa holiday weather information

We provide Goa holiday weather for the next 7 and 14 days. The 7 day weather for Goa provides weather information in 3 hourly intervals for each day and our 14 day Goa weather provides weather data in 6 hourly intervals. We also provide monthly climate averages for Goa. These monthly climate averages provide average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, amount of rainfall in months, wind speed and much more. So if you are planning to go on holiday to Goa then do check our monthly climate average section.

We also provide latest weather for Goa and if you would like to see the past 24 hours weather in hourly format then do check our latest section. In addition, we have a weather risk page dedicated to Goa which allows you to check out the probability of rain or thunder for Goa.

As we are passionate about weather we would go to any steps to make sure you too are kept informed of the weather at all times. So if you are planning to go to Goa on holiday or business then please do take the chance of receiving a weather text for Goa which we will send to your mobile.

We also have following holiday destinations near to Goa

Divar Island       Arpora       Baga       Calangute       Ponda       

The day label given represents the local day relative to the local time for the location you are looking at.
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This time is corrected for local time zones and where possible for daylight saving times.
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Local Time

The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format.
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This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs.
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Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level.
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Feels Like

The relative humidity is the percent of saturation humidity, generally calculated in relation to saturated vapour density.
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The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at.
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Precip Amount

The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground.
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Cloud Amount

Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image � it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview.
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When we measure for forecast air pressure we are normally doing this relative to a certain height and most commonly relative to Mean Sea Level.
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